Tools for the automated assignment of high-resolution three-dimensional protein NMR spectra based on pattern recognition techniques

One of the major bottlenecks in the determination of proteinstructures by NMR is in the evaluation of the data produced by theexperiments. An important step in this process is assignment, where thepeaks in the spectra are assigned to specific spins within specificresidues. In this paper, we discuss a spin system assignment tool based onpattern recognition techniques. This tool employs user-specified ’templates‘to search for patterns of peaks in the original spectra; these patterns maycorrespond to side-chain or backbone fragments. Multiple spectra willnormally be searched simultaneously to reduce the impact of noise. Thesearch generates a preliminary list of putative assignments, which arefiltered by a set of heuristic algorithms to produce the final results list.Each result contains a set of chemical shift values plus information aboutthe peaks found. The results may be used as input for combinatorialroutines, such as sequential assignment procedures, in place of peak lists.Two examples are presented, in which (i) HCCH-COSY and -TOCSY spectra arescanned for side-chain spin systems; and (ii) backbone spin systems aredetected in a set of spectra comprising HNCA, HN(CO)CA, HNCO, HN(CA)CO,CBCANH and CBCA(CO)NH.