Protein folding pathways from replica exchange simulations and a kinetic network model

We present an approach to the study of protein folding that uses the combined power of replica exchange simulations and a network model for the kinetics. We carry out replica exchange simulations to generate a large (≈106) set of states with an all-atom effective potential function and construct a kinetic model for folding, using an ansatz that allows kinetic transitions between states based on structural similarity. We use this network to perform random walks in the state space and examine the overall network structure. Results are presented for the C-terminal peptide from the B1 domain of protein G. The kinetics is two-state after small temperature perturbations. However, the coil-to-hairpin folding is dominated by pathways that visit metastable helical conformations. We propose possible mechanisms for the α-helix/β-hairpin interconversion.