Fast wave poloidal flow generation in a plasma

Fast wave poloidal flow generation at the plasma edge of a tokamak is studied with a one-dimensional slab model. In the absence of mode conversion, the poloidal flow can be generated by a spatial change of plasma velocity and current density profiles due to strong minority ion power absorption at the minority ion cyclotron resonance. The electromagnetic force plays a more important role in the flow generation than does the plasma Reynolds stress. In the presence of mode conversion, the flow is mainly generated by interference between the long-wavelength transmitted fast wave and the short-wavelength ion Bernstein wave (IBW) from mode conversion. Flow shear generated in the presence of mode conversion varies spatially with a scale length similar to the IBW wavelength. With mode conversion, the plasma Reynolds stress becomes more important in the flow shear generation than the electromagnetic force. For both cases, the plasma Reynolds stress and the electromagnetic force are out of phase, so that the resultant flow shear is smaller than the larger of the two. The short scale length flow shear enhances the turbulence stabilization.