Desoxycorticosterone acetate has been found highly effective in the treatment of Addison's disease. It is generally given in oil by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection but is being employed also in the form of pellets implanted under the skin. The latter method of administration is a precarious one, since there is no way of controlling dosage; excessive absorption of the active principle from pellets, as manifested by edema and anasarca, elevation of blood pressure to hypertensive heights and occasionally fatal circulatory collapse, has been reported by Loeb1and others. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, on the other hand, allow control of the dose administered, but they are often a source of great inconvenience and no little expense. The ingestion of tablets of desoxycorticosterone acetate is for practical purposes valueless. Two of our patients with Addison's disease who ingested ten times the dose of desoxycorticosterone acetate effective by the subcutaneous route developed