Isomer Ratios from (α, xn) Reactions on Silver

Excitation functions have been measured for the Ag107(α, n)In110,110m and Ag109(α, 3n)In110,110m reactions with isotopically separated targets. The excitation functions for the high-spin metastable state peak in both reactions at higher bombarding energies than the low-spin ground state. In the case of the Ag107(α, n) reaction, the cross section for the formation of In110 peaks at a helium-ion energy of about 17 MeV and that for In110m peaks at about 19.5 MeV. The isomer ratio, σm(σm+σg), determined for the Ag107(α, n) reaction varies from 0.13 at a helium-ion energy of 10.8 MeV to 0.81 at a helium-ion energy of 22.0 MeV. In the Ag109(α, 3n) reaction, this ratio varies from 0.68 at a helium-ion energy of 27.6 MeV to 0.87 at a helium-ion energy of 38.7 MeV. The experimental cross sections are based on measured half-lives of 70.2±1.4 min and 5.2±0.2 h for In110 and In110m, respectively. The isomer ratios were calculated theoretically for the above reactions and the effects of various parameters on the calculations were examined. The experimental isomer ratios for the Ag107(α, n) reaction for bombarding energies below 18 MeV agree within experimental uncertainties with calculated results based on either a Fermi-gas model with a rigid moment of inertia (σ2=34.7t) or a superconductor model. A superconductor model predicts only about a 20% reduction in the moment of inertia for In110 and such a small change could not be definitely established from the data. A marked increase in the experimental isomer ratios from the Ag107(α, n) reaction is observed near the onset of the (α, 2n) reaction. This increase is probably due to a fractionation of the intermediate spin distribution for energies slightly exceeding the threshold of a second reaction. This effect is suggested also in the Ag109(α, 3n) reaction by the small experimental isomer ratios at bombarding energies where the (α, 2n) competition is sizeable. These results indicate that values of σ deduced from the isomer ratio technique are in error at energies where cross sections for a competing reaction are large.