Single-Stage Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Treatment for Choledocholithiasis: A Novel Approach

The transcystic approach is ideal for the management of choledocholithiasis detected during the course of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. When this approach is not possible or fails, current alternatives include laparoscopic choledochotomy, conversion to open common bile duct exploration, or postoperative endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES). Intraoperative ES is not routinely advised, as it is thought to be difficult to carry out in the operating room with the patient in the supine position. We challenged this concept and have performed ES intraoperatively when the transcystic approach had failed. Five consecutive patients in whom transcystic extraction of choledocholiths had failed underwent intraoperative ES. The laparoscopic procedure was terminated, the trocars were removed, the wounds were closed, and the patients were placed in the left lateral decubitus position. In this position, the endoscope was inserted, ES was performed under fluoroscopic guidance, and choledocholithiasis was treated. There were no difficulties or complications, and the postoperative course was similar to that of a simple laparoscopic cholecystectomy in all five patients. Intraoperative ES is a viable and effective treatment for choledocholithiasis when the transcystic approach fails. This novel approach to choledocholithiasis is well tolerated and may save the extra time and effort associated with all other current alternatives.