The dipping of sheep and cattle, as a means of eradicating ‘scab,’ lice, ticks, etc., and the diseases which it is now known the latter may transmit, has met with such success, that compulsory dipping is now in vogue in most pastoral countries. Where compulsory dipping obtains, there must of necessity be some system of the standardisation of dips. In Queensland and South Africa, the respective Governments issue official formulae from which the stockbreeder can prepare his own dipping fluid. Only such proprietary dips, as are duly recognised by the Government, may be employed. In the United States, the regulations for the sale of proprietary dips are still more stringent. The quantity of active substance, usually sodium arsenite, nicotine or cresylic acid, is defined within very narrow limits. Further, no proprietary dip is now recognised, unless the manufacturer can furnish a ‘Field Tester,’ by means of which the stockbreeder can himself determine, in a simple and fairly trustworthy manner, the percentage of active constituent in his bath.