Quantitative predictivity of the transformationin vitroassay compared with the ames test

For 59 chemical compounds, homogeneous data were found on transformation in vitro, mutagenicity in the Ames test, and carcinogenicity. The potency in inducing transformation in vitro in hamster fibroblast cells was compared with the carcinogenic potency, and a modest correlation coefficient between the 2 parameters was found (r = 0.37). For these same 59 compounds, it was also possible to compare mutagenic potency in the Ames test with carcinogenic potency. The correlation level was very similar (r = 0.34). The predictivity of transformation in vitro increased significantly when only compounds for which some kind of dose-response relationship was available were utilized (r = 0.65). This result stresses the importance of the quantitative aspect of the response in predictivity studies. The present study is compared with previous studies on the quantitative predictivity of different short-term tests. This work is not definitive, but gives an idea of the possible type of approach to the problem of comparing quantitative predictivities.

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