Isometric Virus‐like particles in Abies alba Mill. and Other Abies Species: Partial Purification and Improved Detection by Means of Immunoelectron Microscopy

Two types of isometric virus‐like particles (VLPs) with diameters of c. 20 and 35 nm were detected in partially purified extracts from Abies alba Mill., A. homolepis Sieb. et Zucc., and five other Abies species. An immunoelectron microscopical test was developed by means of which the large VLPs could often be detected even in crude sap preparations. They were to be widespread in A. alba and A. homolepis in the Federal Republic of Germany and Southern France. Theirpresence in glasshouse‐grown seedlings of A. alba and A. homolepis shows that they are seed‐transmissible. The small particles were detected only in partically purified preparations. Neither type of VLP was found in coniferous genera otherthan Abies.