Inclusive Features ofπ+Spectra in Coherentp¯dInteractions at 5.55 GeV/c

We present an analysis of the coherently produced single and double inclusive p¯dπ+X and p¯dπ+dX processes obtained from a 150 000-photograph p¯d exposure at 5.55 GeV/c. Here X, which denotes anything, contains for the p¯dπ+X reaction at least a deuteron or its dissociated pn state produced by a final-state interaction. A representative sample of events was obtained by using only fitted channels. A good parameterization of the single inclusive process is obtained using a thermodynamical-type function. A comparison of our data with other inclusive processes is carried out. As we use only fitted channels for the present analysis, we are able to observe a prominent d* enhancement in the final state. The presence of this enhancement is used to define a short-range correlation length in the rapidity space for the p¯dπ+X and p¯dπ+dX reactions. For the p¯dπ+dX process we define some correlation parameters between the outgoing π+ and d, and compare these parameters with peripheral phase-space predictions.