Combined medical and mechanical recanalization in acute myocardial infarction

A technique of combined medical and mechanical recanalization was employed in 96 patients with acute transmural myocardial infarction. The mean time between onset of symptoms and admission to hospital was 170 ± 65 min (χ ± SD). After 10 ± 16 min, 250,000 U streptokinase was administered intravenously for 20 min. Intracoronary thrombolysis was commenced within 38 ± 14 min. First coronary angiograms demonstrated reperfusion, an open vessel in 25/96 patients (26%). In 15/71 patients (21%) reperfusion occurred during thrombolysis therapy, before mechanical recanalization could be performed. Recanalization was achieved mechanically in 37/71 patients (52%) with occluded coronary vessels. In 8/71 patients (11%) mechanical recanalization failed but the vessel opened during thrombolysis. In 12/96 patients (12%), the coronary vessel remained occluded. Thus, reperfusion could be achieved in 88% of the patients. Reperfusion rate was 76% in the first 38 patients and 95% subsequently. After reperfusion, coronary thrombi were found in 25/96 patients (26%) but dissolved during thrombolysis in 16/25 patients (64%). Peripheral coronary embolism was observed in 3/25 patients (12%). For the whole group, reocclusion occurred in 8/84 patients (10%). By combined medical and mechanical recanalization, the recanalization rate could be increased with low reocclusion rate. Trends showed an improvement in regional and global left ventricular function in patients with anterior myocardial infarction.