Summary Using the in situ hybridization technique, we have analysed the distribution of mobile elements in the X chromosomes of male offspring of individual mutator strain (MS) males crossed to attached-X females. The experiments demonstrate varying cytological localization of the mobile elements gypsy (mdg4) and hobo among different individuals. The other mobile elements investigated (mdgl, mdg3, 412, 297, copia, 17.6, Doc, H.M.S. Beagle, Springer, FB) display no changes in insertion sites. Such an experiment is equivalent to analysis of separate gametes of an MS individual. Thus, the ability of gypsy and hobo to transpose in germ-line cells is demonstrated directly. Transpositions occur at premeiotic stages of germ cell development, since they appear in clusters. Analysis of gypsy and hobo transposition events shows that they occur independently. The same experiment demonstrates that gypsy localization varies significantly between different salivary gland cells of an MS individual. Two types of gypsy hybridization sites can be distinguished: “permanent” sites, common to all cells, and “additional” ones varying between neighbouring salivary gland cells. These additional sites indicate gypsy transposition in somatic cells of the MS. Transposition of the hobo element in somatic cells has also been observed.