Mössbauer absorption and emission study of diluteFe2+impurities in cubic ZnS. Observation of metastable electronic levels. I. Relaxation measurements

In dilute ZnS:Fe57 absorbers the isolated Fe2+ ions give a single Mössbauer absorption line at all temperatures (1.4<~T<~295 K), but a relaxation broadening is observed near 8 K. A convenient relaxation line-shape theory has enabled the transition rate WΓ4Γ1 from the first excited spin-orbit triplet Γ4 to the ground-state level Γ1 to be measured between 6 and 13 K. Two additional Fe2+ quadrupole doublets appear for T5 K in the ZnS:Co57 emission spectra. These are due to the slow relaxation contributions of the excited spin-orbit triplets Γ4 and Γ5 of Fe2+ which are then observed out of the thermal equilibrium following the decay of the radioactive parent Co57. The two transition rates WΓ4Γ1 and WΓ5Γ1 were obtained by following the intensities of the Γ4 and Γ5 lines in the emission spectra below 5 K when these rates are comparable to the inverse nuclear lifetime 1τ. Both the absorber and source measurements of WΓ4Γ1 show approximately a T5.0 mean thermal variation, whereas the source measurements of WΓ5Γ1 present a T4.0 mean variation. These relaxation rates are attributed to Raman processes, which have been shown to follow the thermal dependence