Observations on the nicotinic acid requirements of pigs

Between 5-10 mg. of nicotinic acid, supplied daily either as food yeast or crystalline substance, is sufficient to prevent and cure the deficiency caused by a nicotinic acid deficient diet consisting of yellow maize 77.5%, pea meal 10.5%, purified casein 6.5%, cod-liver oil 3%, mineral mixture 2.5% by wt. The mineral mixture consisted of CaCO3 2, bone ash 2, NaCl 1 and ferric oxide 0.08. Six of 8 pigs receiving supplement of nicotinic acid until they reached 140-150 lbs. continued to grow at a normal rate when the supplement was discontinued. Their subsequent growth was unaffected by administration of succinyl sulphathiazole. The lesions found at autopsy in 9 pigs which died during the expt. are descr.