Pelvic ultrasound measurements in normal girls

Pelvic ultrasound scans were carried out in 153 normal girls aged between 3 days and 14.9 years, in order to obtain reference data for ovarian volume, uterine length and uterine configuration. The right ovary was significantly larger than the left (by about 17%). Ovarian volume increased exponentially with age, over this age range. No relationship with pubertal stage (independent of age) could be demonstrated. Uterine length decreased from birth to 4 years, before steadily increasing. The fundalcervical ratio (FCR) decreased initially then increased to lie above 1.0 by 15 years of age. A midline endometrial echo was seen in half of the subjects aged less than 6 months, but otherwise it was not seen before 11.8 years of age or at Tanner stage B2. Smoothed reference centile curves for uterine length, right and left ovarian volume were produced, allowing z scores (or SD scores) to be calculated for each measurement.