Serologic and Immunohistochemical Study of Human and Experimental Thyroiditis

INTEREST in autoimmunity as a factor in the pathogenesis of disease has been stimulated by observations on thyroiditis. Thyroiditis has been produced experimentally in rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs by injection of rabbit thyroid extract,1 , 2 and circulating antibodies have been demonstrated in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.3 Discovery of circulating antithyroid antibodies in patients with myxedema has suggested an autoimmune mechanism in the pathogenesis of such thyroid deficiency.4 Passive transfer of antithyroid antibodies from the mother to the fetus, with resultant damage to the fetal thyroid gland, has been postulated as an explanation for some cases of cretinism.5 , 6 However, circulating antithyroid . . .