The ribosomal binding domain for the bacterial release factors RF‐1, RF‐2 and RF‐3

The Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins, L7/L12, are dominant over L11 in modulating the binding of RF‐1 and RF‐2 to ribosomes. The elevated activity of RF‐2 on L11‐lacking ribosomes over those containing L11 is abolished by IgG against L7/L12 or by removing the L7/L12 proteins. Adding back L7/L12 restores the original phenotype. The stimulatory factor, RF‐3, is active on ribosomes depleted of L7/L12 but on those which lack L11 the stimulatory effects are less pronounced or often not seen. RF‐3 cannot restore activity with RF‐1 or RF‐2 to ribosomes lacking both these sets of proteins. The stimulatory effects of an absence of either L11 or RF‐3 on the activity of RF‐2 are not additive or synergistic.