In 426 urodynamic patients with or without a neuropathic bladder sensation in the lower urinary tract was determined with 2 different investigation methods. During medium-fill cystometry the perception of filling was evaluated. At each sensation the bladder volume and detrusor pressure were noted. The electrical threshold was determined at different areas of the lower urinary tract with constant current stimulation. No correlation was found between the volume and pressure variables at which filling perception occurred and the electrical sensory thresholds. The levels of sensory threshold of the bladder and urethra in sensory urgency and hyposensitive bladder cases were not different from those seen in the normosensitive patients. Of the patients with disturbed or absent electrosensation 18% had a normal filling perception. Filling perception and electrosensation seem to correspond with 2 different areas of the sensory innervation of the lower urinary tract. To gain a maximum of information on bladder sensation, electrosensation as part of exteroceptive perception and filling perception as part of proprioception should be studied.