Assessing atherosclerotic plaque morphology: comparison of optical coherence tomography and high frequency intravascular ultrasound.

OCT can image plaque microstructure at a level of resolution not previously demonstrated with other imaging techniques because it uses infrared light rather than acoustic waves. To compare optical coherence tomography (OCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging of in vitro atherosclerotic plaques. Segments of abdominal aorta were obtained immediately before postmortem examination. Images of 20 sites from five patients were acquired with OCT (operating at an optical wavelength of 1300 nm which was delivered to the sample through an optical fibre) and a 30 MHz ultrasonic transducer. After imaging, the microstructure of the tissue was assessed by routine histological processing. OCT yielded superior structural information in all plaques examined. The mean (SEM) axial resolution of OCT and IVUS imaging was 16 (1) and 110 (7), respectively, as determined by the point spread function from a mirror. Furthermore, the dynamic range of OCT was 109 dB compared with 43 dB for IVUS imaging. OCT represents a promising new technology for intracoronary imaging because of its high resolution, broad dynamic range, and ability to be delivered through intravascular catheters.