Acute Dislocation of the Patella

The objective of our study was to elucidate the char acteristic pathoanatomy associated with patellar dislo cation and report the preliminary results of early surgi cal repair. Twenty-three patients with documented patellar dislocation had standard radiographs and a magnetic resonance imaging scan. Intraarticular le sions were evaluated and treated arthroscopically fol lowed by an open exploration of the medial aspect of the knee in 16 patients. Twelve patients were observed for a minimum of 2 years after surgical repair (average, 34 months). Eleven patients returned for a follow-up examination. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed ef fusion (100%), tears of the femoral insertion of the medial patellofemoral ligament (87%), increased signal in the vastus medialis muscle (78%), and lateral fem oral condyle (87%) and medial patellar (30%) bone bruises. Arthroscopic examination revealed osteo chondral lesions involving the patella and the lateral femoral condyle in 68% of cases. Open surgical explo ration revealed tears of the medial patellofemoral liga ment off the femur in 15 of 16 patients (94%). After medial patellofemoral ligament repair, none of the pa tients experienced recurrent dislocation. Overall 58% of the results were considered to be good or excellent and 42% were fair. Fifty-eight percent of the group returned to their previous sport with no or minor limitations.

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