Spheroidal dolomite cements are a pervasive and distinctive feature in five exposed lithologies of different geological age in Kuwait. The spheroids range in diameter from ∼5–350 μm, have concentric zones and nuclei of fluid inclusions with or without a radial fabric, and compositions varying from near stoichiometric to Ca56 Mg44. All spheroids appear to be primary in origin with no evidence of replacement. Some concentric zones show selective calcitization and/or leaching. Most of these features are confined to within 30 m of the surface. Consequently, spheroidal dolomites recognizable at depth in ancient sequences may be indicative of a local unconformity.The dolomite distributions are areally correlative with known areas of hydrocarbon seepage, the latter being confined to prominent oil field anticlinal trends. It is proposed that the dolomitization was caused by groundwaters carrying hydrocarbons to the surface, which were then oxidized to carbon dioxide. The gas bubbles may have acted as nuclei for spheroid growth with a possible inducement by bacteria which have an affinity for hydrocarbons. The implication is that the regional distribution of spheroidal dolomites may be an indicator of a potential reservoir facies at depth.