Summary: In a field trial, done over two seasons, nitrogen and fungicide inputs to winter wheat were varied to obtain a range of yields to study the effects on aphid population development and the aphid‐yield loss relationship. In the first year, the maximum density of Metopolophium dirhodum and total aphid index were significantly higher in the plots receiving the largest amount of nitrogen but there were few other consistent effects on aphid population development. In the second year there were no significant effects of either nitrogen or fungicide on aphid population development. Mean yields were high in 1987 and 1988 (7.0 and 8.5 t/ha respectively) with less than a 2 t/ha range in either year. There were no significant effects of aphids on yield in the first year but in the second, aphids caused a significant reduction. Damage per aphid unit did not change with increase in yield. The use of this approach in determining pest‐yield loss relationships is discussed.