A preliminary comparison between two forms of the bern sex-role inventory

Factor analyses of the Bern Sex‐Role Inventory (BSRI) have raised some questions about its item structure. The present paper evaluated a shortened version of the BSRI which was based on items that were found to load in factor analyses on the two main factors, and which were also included in the original Masculinity and Femininity scales. Findings showed that there is a high correspondence between the original and shortened versions in terms of psychometric properties. The revised scales were also found to be associated with self‐esteem, marital happiness and fathers' participation in childcare, in much the same way as the original scales. One problem with the revision was the higher correlation between masculinity and femininity. Future studies are needed to investigate more fully the validity of the shortened scales. In the meantime, it seems that they might offer a more economical alternative to the BSRI scales.