Between 1991 and 1995, among 999 nonpregnant adult Maryland residents with group B Streptococcus (GBS) isolated from a normally sterile site, 84 resided in nursing homes (NHs). The age-adjusted annual incidence of GBS infection (per 100,000 population) among those ⩾65 years old was 72.3 for NH residents and 17.5 for community residents (relative risk, 4.1; P<.001). Thirty-four case patients resided in 11 NHs with ⩾2 cases; 1 NH had 8 case patients within 22 months. Six of 8 case patients from 3 NHs had serotype V GBS. Molecular subtyping of several isolates identified 2 case patients in 1 NH with identical subtype patterns. NH residents have a markedly higher incidence of invasive GBS than do community residents ⩾65 years old and may serve as a target group for immunization when GBS vaccines become available. Further evaluation of intra-NH transmission of GBS is warranted