Polyol dehydrogenases. 1. The specificity of rat-liver polyol dehydrogenase

The polyol dehydrogenase of rat liver catalyzes the reaction: acyclic polyol+DPN+ ketose+DPNH+H+, with a high degree of stereochemical specificity. It does not attack cyclitols. The specif icity of the enzyme is described by a rule which is contrasted with the Bertrand-Hudson rule for Aceto-bacter suboxydans. A suitable name for the liver enzyme is L-iditol dehydrogenase. Consideration of the metabolism of polyols in different organsisms leads to the conclusion that there are at least 3 types of polyol dehydrogenase (L-iditol, D-mannitol and galactitol dehydrogenases) distinguishable by their stereochemical affinities.