Development of Smoke-Free Chemical Dependency Units

Until recently, the country's chemical dependency units (CDUs) have not addressed nicotine dependence in a meaningful way for their patients. Most CDUs have accepted exemptions to the smoke-free hospital requirements enacted around the country. Twenty-nine CDU's have been identified which have developed progressive smoke-free policies and begun to treat nicotine dependence in the substance abuser. These CDUs cite three factors--concern for the smoker's health, concern for the health effects of involuntary smoking, and the strong opinion of a key leader--as motivations to implement these policies. Because of the significant resistance to these policies, the strong opinion of a key leader was considered one of the most important factors. Once the policy was in place, these CDUs were surprised that the programs ran so smoothly, including normal census counts. The CDUs used a variety of interventions to help smokers quit. There is considerable need to develop effective interventions suitable for CDUs in the treatment of nicotine dependence.

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