Taxa in Bryoerythrophyllum Chen. and Morinia Card. (Pottiaceae) in the New World are B. bolivianum (C. Muell.) comb. nov. [Globulina boliviana C. Muell.], B. columbianum (Herm. and Lawt.) comb. nov. [Didymodon columbianus Herm. et Lawt.], B. ferruginascens (Stirt.) Giac., B. jamesonii (Tayl.) Crum, B. recurvifolium (Tayl.) Zander, B. recurvirostrum (Hedw.) Chen var. recurvirostrum, B. recurvirostrum var. aenenum (C. Muell.) Zander, B. recurvum (Griff.) K. Saito, M. crassicuspis (H. Robins.) comb. nov. [Barbula crassicuspus H. Robins], M. ehrenbergiana (C. Muell.) Ther. var. ehrenbergiana and M. ehrenbergiana var. elongata (Wils. in Mitt.) comb. et stat. nov. [Barbula elongata Wils.]. The previously poorly understood species B. bolivianum, B. ferruginascens, B. jamesonii and B. recurvum are redescribed and illustrated. Sporophytes of B. ferruginascens are described for the 1st time. B. jamesonii is considered a polymorphic complex with many synonyms. Notes on relationships, infraspecific variation, geographic distribution and nomenclature are given for other taxa. Globulina C. Muell., hom. illeg., is a valid name and is a synonym of Bryoerythrophyllum, but Seligeria sect. Globulina C. Muell. is a synonym of Globulinella Steere. Barbula andreaeoides Kindb. is a good species, not a synonym of B. ferruginascens. Tortula herzogii is a nom. nov. for T. angustifolium (Herz.) Herz., hom. illeg.