Evaluation of Fibular Head Transposition for Repair of Experimental Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury in Dogs

Unilateral cranial cruciate ligament excision and fibular head transposition (FHT) were performed on 30 adult dogs. Vertical ground reaction forces were determined using force plate data before and after surgery. Cranial drawer motion, tibial rotation, and varus-valgus motion were measured at monthly intervals. Radiographic, gross, and histological examinations of the stifle joints that had been operated on were performed 3 weeks, 4 months, and 10 months after surgery. A scoring system was used to evaluate lameness, osteophyte formation, and meniscal damage. Rank correlation coefficients were calculated between variables tested in pairs. Cranial drawer motion and abnormal tibial rotation were present in all of the joints that had been operated on. Peak vertical force and associated impulse were not restored during the study time period. Meniscal damage was noted in 25% of the dogs at month 4 and in 50% of the dogs at month 10. Progressive gross and histological deterioration of the articular cartilage was observed in all joints. Positive correlations were noted between the degree of stifle joint instability and meniscal injury or radiographic changes. FHT did not control cranial drawer motion and rotational instability, was not successful in restoring limb function, and did not prevent joint degeneration, especially meniscal damage.