Different Structural Changes in Membrana Shrapnelli in Serous and Purulent Otitis Media An Experimental Study in the Rat

In an animal model, production of serous and purulent effusion material was induced by blocking the Eustachian tube and cleaving the soft palate, respectively. Two and 6 weeks after the different surgical procedures, animals were sacrificed and the membrana Shrapnelli was analysed by light- and electronmicroscopy. The two types of middle ear effusion were associated with various structural changes of the membrana Shrapnelli. In serous otitis media the pars flaccida appeared fibrotic, with large dilated vessels. Sometimes its inner layer, facing the attic space, was contiguous with the investing layer of the ossicles. In purulent otitis media the pars flaccida was thickened and the inner epithelial lining was replaced by a pseudostratified squamous epithelium containing ciliated and secretory cells. Ciliated cells lining the pars flaccida appeared pathognomonic for a longstanding middle ear infection. It is inferred that the structure of membrana Shrapnelli changes under the influence of inflammatory conditions in the middle ear cavity, changes which specifically reflect the different types of otitis media.