[125I]-Fibrinogen was used to measure the adsorption of fibrinogen from baboon plasma to two types of glass (Pyrex® and a borosilicate glass) at 25 and 37°C using two different buffers to dilute the plasma, the first being citrate-phosphate buffered saline (CPBSz) and the second isotonic Tris-saline (TRIS), both pH 7.4. In addition, the effects of hydration conditions, rinsing techniques, and glasscleaning treatments on fibrinogen adsorption were evaluated. The data reveal that lower temperatures and the use of TRIS to dilute the plasma significantly enhance fibrinogen adsorption to both types of glass. As has been observed in the past, fibrinogen adsorption peaked at intermediate plasma concentrations on both Pyrex® and borosilicate glass (the so-called Vroman effect), but almost twice as much fibrinogen adsorbed to glass when TRIS was used to dilute the plasma instead of CPBSz. Moreover, up to five times as much fibrinogen adsorbed to both types of glass at 25°C compared with 37°C. No effects of the rinsing technique or glass-cleaning treatment were observed.