Effect of interferon on human neutrophilic granulocytes

The in vitro influence of interferon (IFN) on various functions of human neutrophilic granulocytes was investigated. It was observed that the attachment and engulfment of opsonized yeast particles by human neutrophilic granulocytes were enhanced after preincubation in vitro with IFN for 30 min. The same result was obtained whether the particles were opsonized with fresh normal serum (complement) or with specific antibodies. However, after incubation of the granulocytes with IFN for 3 h the phagocytosis rate was somewhat decreased. Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction by resting granulocytes was slightly, although not significantly, increased by preincubation with IFN for 30 min, but their NBT reduction during phagocytosis of E. coli was significantly increased. No major effects of preincubation with IFN were observed on spontaneous or random migration of granulocytes.