Specific Heat of Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O

Specific-heat measurements have been made on a single crystal of Fe3 (PO4)2·8H2O in the temperature range 1.8-25°K. Two λ-type anomalies were observed at 9.60° and 12.40°K and are associated with paramagnetic-antiferromagnetic transitions. The six iron ions per unit cell are not equivalent, giving rise to a two-step antiferromagnetic transition as observed in the two anomalies, and indicating a ratio of 2 for the entropy changes associated with the two sets of nonequivalent ions. The total entropy change associated with these transitions is 9.58 cal/mode deg, which differs by 1% from 3Rln(2S+1), where S=2 for Fe++, with approximately 27% of this entropy gained above 12.40°K. By using the simple molecular-field theory, an estimate of the magnitude of the exchange integral was obtained as well as the temperature dependence of the sublattice magnetization.

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