Between January and August, 1989, 36 men and 28 women with uncomplicated lower genital tract infections by Neisseria gonorrhoeae were given single intramuscular injections of sulbactam (500 mg)/ampicillin (1000 mg) together with 1 g oral probenecid. Cure rates that were obtained were 100% for women, 97.2% for men, 100% for patients with penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PPNG), and 98.4% for patients with non-PPNG. No serious side effects were encountered, and patient acceptance of the drug was good. A high proportion of patients had concurrent chlamydial infection. Sulbactam/ampicillin was found to be effective against gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis by both PPNG and non-PPNG but have little effect on concomitant chlamydial infections, especially in women.