Considerable, interest may he attached to the fossils collected by Col. English in a number of localities surrounding the Dardanelles,since many of the specimens rank as fresh records for this part of South-Eastern Europe. One of the most important results accruing from an examination of the eoilection has been the fixing of the age of the coal-deposits at Masatly, which can now be referred to the Stampian or Middle division of the Oligocene System, on account of the discovery of Corbicula semistriata in those beds at that locality, in association with Anthracotherium -remains. The specimens are scheduled under the following formations:-- The whole of the collection has been generously presented to the British Museum (Natural History) by Col. English. Post-Pliocene. Marine mollusca found in the region of the Dardanelles have been identified with existing Mediterranean species. Hence, the deposits containing them may be recognized as of post-Pliocene age, and probably of contemporaneous origin with those found in Cyprus (as known to us through the researches of Prof. Gaudry), and in the Hellespont by Calvert & Neumayr. (A) List of marine shells from the coast-cliffs west of Gallipoli, 40 to 100 feet above sea-leveL (B) A marine shell from Gallipoli Ovassi, about one mile north-east of Gallipoli, in a loamy clay-bed 20 feet above the sea. (C) List of marine shells from the other side of the Dardanelles opposite Gallipoli, about 1 mile inland from Tchardak. The beds containing this fauna are of a sandy character, and nearly 50 feet above sea

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