Immunochemical characterization for eukaryotic ultraplankton from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans

The eukaryotic algae are an important component of the ultraplankton (Emiliania huxleyi clone BT-6; Pycnococcus provasolii clone Ω48–23; Pelagococcus subviridis clone PELA CL2; Thalassiosira oceanica clone 13-1; unidentified chlorophyte clone B6125) were used to identify and enumerate individual cell types in samples from the North Atlantic (Gulf of Maine and adjacent slope) and the subtropical North Pacific (Station ALOHA and Kaneohe Bay). Emiliania huxleyi was the most frequently recognized cell type at all sample locations throughout the euphotic zone, varying from E.huxleyi . Pycnococcus provasolii was also observed at all sampling locations, although it appeared to be more important at offshore stations than coastal or Kaneohe Bay. In surface waters, where the prasinophyte marker pigment prasinoxanthin is below the level of detection by HPLC analysis (e.g. station ALOHA), an immunofluorescence assay provides an alternative means to quantify this cell type. Pelagococcus subviridis was observed throughout the Gulf of Maine and at Station ALOHA, but was rarer (generally 60% were cells E.huxleyi in a variety of geographic regions demonstrates the cosmopolitan nature of these ultraplankton species.

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