Antibiotics suppressed development of aster yellows (AY) disease symptoms in plants of china aster [ Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees.] and annual chrysanthemum ( Chrysanthemum carinatum , Schousb.). When inoculated chrysanthemum plants were treated by any of several techniques with tetracycline antibiotics or chloramphenicol, symptoms failed to appear during treatment but appeared 1 to 4 weeks after treatments were terminated. Under continuous administration of chlortetracycline, aster plants with AY symptoms developed symptomless axillary growth, including flowers. Streptomycin, oleandomycin, kanamycin, tylosin, carbomycin, polymyxin, bacitracin, neomycin, sulfanilamide, penicillin, vancomycin, or cycloserine had no discernible effect on development of AY symptoms. Treatment of plants with tetracycline antibiotics before exposure to inoculative (pathogen-transmitting) vectors delayed the appearance of symptoms or prevented AY infection. Remission of AY symptoms in inoculated plants treated with chlortetracycline was correlated with an inhibition of multiplication of AY agent, as measured by bioassay of extracts. The data give additional support to the hypothesis that aster yellows disease is caused by a mycoplasma-like microorganism.