Total sulfur contents of surface horizons of selected Gleysolic profiles were substantially higher (mean of 2,183 and 1,539 ppm for LH and Ah, respectively) than contents previously reported for Chernozemic and Podzolic soils of Alberta. Easily soluble sulfate contents were very variable, with ranges of 20–160 ppm S, 13–1,820 ppm S and 2–1,740 ppm S for LH, Ah and Bg horizons, respectively.Gleysolic profiles contained higher levels of organic sulfur in a reduced state (carbon-bonded sulfur) relative to nitrogen than did better-drained profiles. This trend was less marked with Eluviated Gleysols than with Gleysols or Humic Gleysols.N: total S ratios were extremely variable, with values of horizon samples (LH, Ah and Bg) ranging from 1.3 to 30.

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