Education and Employment for Young People with Diabetes

Educational achievements and employment experiences were examined using a postal questionnaire in a random sample of diabetic clinic attenders and non-diabetic control subjects aged 16-21 years, selected from 13 different centres in Great Britain. A response rate of 63% and 42% for diabetic and control subjects, respectively, was obtained. The diabetic group experienced a significantly greater number of health difficulties and problems at school (compared with their control group (21% vs 11%, p = 0.01) and there was a significant difference in perceived useful careers advice obtained at school for the two groups (5% vs 59%, p < 0.0001, diabetic and control groups, respectively). There was no difference in the number of General Certificates of Secondary Education (GCSEs) and Advanced (A) level qualifications obtained between the two groups. Of the young people who had left school, diabetic adolescents were significantly more likely to report having lost their jobs than their non-diabetic counterparts (19% vs 6%, p = 0.002). The diabetic group were also more likely to report that they were unable to do the job they wanted compared with the non-diabetic group (28% vs 16%, p = 0.005) and were more likely to report shift work problems (41% vs 12%, p = 0.04). With the increasing rate of unemployment it is important that youngsters with diabetes obtain specific diabetes-orientated vocational guidance in order to plan their careers and provision should be made for this in educational establishments.