Lipoprotein lipase activity in neonatal-rat liver cell types

The lipoprotein lipase activity in the liver of neonatal (1 day old) rats was about 3 times that in the liver of adult rats. Perfusion of the neonatal liver with collagenase decreased the tissue-associated activity by 77%. When neonatal-rat liver cells were dispersed, hepatocyte-enriched (fraction I) and haemopoietic-cell-enriched (fraction II) populations were obtained. The lipoprotein lipase activity in fraction I was 7 times that in fraction II. On the basis of those activities and the proportion of both cell types in either fraction, it was estimated that hepatocytes contained most, if not all, the lipoprotein lipase activity detected in collagenase-contain lipoprotein lipase activity. When the hepatocyte-enriched cell population was incubated at for up to 3 h, a slow but progressive release of enzyme activity to the incubation medium was found. However, the total activity (cells + medium) did not significantly change through the incubation period. Cycloheximide produced a time-dependent decrease in the cell-associated activity. Heparin increased the amount of lipoprotein lipase activity released to the medium. Because the cell-associated activity was unchanged, heparin also produced a time-dependent increase in the total activity. In those cells incubated with heparin, further release. The cell-associated activity was also decreased by the presence of cycloheximide in those cells. It is concluded that neonatal-rat hepatocytes synthesize active lipoprotein lipase.

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