The cleavage pattern in the leech Theromyzon tessulatum (Hirudinea, Glossiphoniidae)

In order to evaluate the differences in the cleavage patterns of the glossiphoniid leeches Glossiphonia complanata and Theromyzon tessulatum, previously studied by Müller ('32) and Schmidt ('17, '41), the cleavage of Theromyzon tessulatum was reexamined. For the period of the first 29 hours of development embryos were observed, photographed, and serially sectioned for light microscopy at each developmental stage. The exact cell lineage until completion of teloblast formation is reported. Besides some other not previously reported features, we show that the mesoteloblast precursor cell in the glossiphoniid leeches, as probably in most Annelida, is not the cell 3D, but cell 4d formed by an additional division of cell 3D. The results further indicate that all glossiphoniid leeches likely share a common cleavage pattern, and that major differences between Glossiphonia complanata and Theromyzon tessulatum do not exist. A comparison between the cleavage patterns of some Oligochaeta and Hirudinea is made, and plesiomorphic characters in the cleavage of a clitellate ancestor species and their deviations in present day species are discussed.