VARIOUS purified fractions of digitalis leaf have been prepared in the hope of improving its effectiveness in the management of cardiac decompensation. Better standardization has been afforded by crystalline derivatives. Variations in rapidity of action and excretion have been achieved, and the preparations developed for intravenous administration have proved most useful when rapid digitalization is desired. However, in spite of these newer developments, opinions concerning the most satisfactory digitalis preparation are widely divergent. In general, familiarity with the drug used and its judicious administration have appeared more important in most cases than the actual product used. It is probably true that a well-standardized digitalis leaf preparation is as efficacious as any of the purified products in the treatment of the average case of cardiac decompensation. Recently the studies of Batterman and associates1 have initiated a revival of the use of gitalin, a water-soluble amorphous mixture of glycosides first isolated