d+Li6reactions at low energy

Recent differential and total cross-section data relating to the Li6(d,α)He4, Li6(d,p)Li7, and Li6(d,n)Be7 reactions at deuteron energies between 0.1 and 1.0 MeV are analyzed in terms of the Wigner-Eisenbud formalism with the R-matrix elements assumed constant, i.e., independent of the energy of the incident deuteron. For the (d,p) and (d,n) reactions the possibility of an additional coherent direct-reaction contribution is also considered. The data are reasonably well reproduced by these calculations. The results thus give an indication of the magnitude of the direct contributions to these reactions. The results also show that the observation of a resonance-like structure in, e.g., the Li6(d,α)He4 reaction, does not necessarily imply a corresponding state in Be8.