Electron and proton irradiation effects in amorphous Fe–Ni–P–B alloys

The effect of 1.25-MeV electron and 2.25-MeV proton irradiations of amorphous, melt-spun Fe–Ni–P–B ribbons has been studied by measuring changes in Curie temperature TC and in room temperature relative permeability. TC results are analogous to those obtained by annealing the same type of material at two different temperatures. Annealing experiments support the interpretation that electrons and protons deposit energy at two different rates corresponding to two effective annealing temperatures. The increase in TC is interpreted as the result of structural relaxation. The range of 0.25-MeV protons in the materials studied is less than the thickness of the sample. Irradiations at that energy produce samples with two Curie temperatures. The lower TC is associated with the as-quenched portion of the sample. The higher TC is associated with the portion of the ribbon traversed by protons. Relative permeability measurements in the low field region show increasing permeability with 2.25-MeV proton fluence.