Cross section ofS36(n)37S

At the Karlsruhe pulsed 3.75 MV Van de Graaff accelerator the S36(n)37S(5.05 min) cross section was measured by the fast cyclic activation technique via the 3.103 MeV γ-ray line of the S37 decay. Samples of elemental sulfur enriched in S36 by 5.933% were irradiated between two gold foils which served as capture standards. The capture cross section was measured at neutron energies 25, 151, 176, and 218 keV, respectively. The S36(n)37S cross section in the thermonuclear and thermal energy range has been calculated using the direct-capture (DC) model combined with the folding procedure used for the determination of the potentials. The nonresonant experimental data for this reaction can be reproduced excellently using this method. The input parameters of the DC calculation (masses, Q values, nuclear density distributions, spectroscopic factors, spin-parity assignments, and excitation energies of the low-lying states of the residual nucleus) have been taken from the available experimental data.