Time Course of Tension in Papillary Muscles of Heart

Any comprehensive theory of myocardial function must take into consideration the stresses developed within the myocardium during the cardiac cycle. The moment-to-moment variations in myocardial tension during the cardiac cycle have been discussed in previous papers from this as well as other laboratories.1-4 However, relatively little attention has been given to the mechanical stresses and strains placed upon the papillary muscles during the cardiac cycle. Nevertheless, the mechanical properties of the papillary muscles are intimately related to a number of clinical problems. For example, mechanical failure of a papillary muscle may result in valvular insufficiency and congestive heart failure, or a damaged papillary muscle may rupture under certain loads. It was reported previously that, because of the mechanical nature of the heart as a pump, it was possible to apply physical principles towards an estimation of the "load" which must be supported by the ventricles of the heart during

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