Precision Tests of CPT Symmetry and Quantum Mechanics in the Neutral Kaon System

We present a systematic phenomenological analysis of the tests of CPT symmetry that are possible within an {\em open} quantum-mechanical description of the neutral kaon system that is motivated by arguments based on quantum gravity and string theory. We develop a perturbative expansion in terms of the three small CPT-violating parameters admitted in this description, and provide expressions for a complete set of $K \rightarrow 2\pi, 3\pi$ and $\pi\ell\nu$ decay observables to second order in these small parameters. We also illustrate the new tests of CPT symmetry and quantum mechanics that are possible in this formalism using a regenerator. Indications are that experimental data from the CPLEAR and previous experiments could be used to establish upper bounds on the CPT-violating parameters that are of order $10^{-19}$ GeV, approaching the order of magnitude that may be attainable in quantum theories of gravity.