Cation disorder and size effects in magnetoresistive manganese oxide perovskites

Large disorder effects due to size differences between A-site R3+ (R=La,Pr,Nd,Sm) and M2+ (M=Ca,Sr,Ba) cations have been found in magnetoresistive (R0.7M0.3)MnO3 perovskites. The ferromagnetic-metal-paramagnetic-insulator transition temperature Tm varies as Tm=Tm(0)pQ2 due to strain fields resulting from ordered or disordered oxygen displacements Q that are parametrized by the statistical mean and variance of the A cation radius, respectively. The value of p is related to the Mn-O force constant showing that Mn3+ Jahn-Teller distortions assist electron localization at Tm. The maximum possible Tm is estimated to be ∼530 K although experimentally observable values are ≤360 K. A large suppression of magnetoresistance due to cation disorder is also evidenced.