After ligation of the rat pancreas, DNA synthesis in centoacinar cells and cells of the intercalary ducts, proximal and distal to the ligature, was suppressed for about 18 hr. This preceded a large increase in thymidine labelling of the nuclei of these cells. The increase in the thymidine indices was much greater and more prolonged in the distal pancreas where duct‐like structures were formed that replaced the acini. DNA synthesis in acinar cells proximal to the ligature was suppressed for 36 hr preceding an increase in the thymidine indices much smaller than that in the duct cells. DNA synthesis in acinar cells distal to the ligature ceased and the acinar cells progressively died. We propose that the pancreas is composed of proliferative units, each comprising acinar cells, centroacinar cells and intercalary ducts, which react as a whole when acinar cell loss occurs in pathological processes.