Effects of Prednisone and Corticotropin on Gastric Secretion

The advent of steroid therapy 10 years ago has resulted in a great deal of controversy as to the effects of steroids on gastric secretion and its relationship, if any, to the aggravation or production of peptic ulcer. Many authors1-8 feel that the adrenal cortical steroids do play a part in the production of the so-called steroid-induced, or steroid-associated, ulcers, while others, such as Meltzer et al.,9 Kirsner,10 and Maltby11 do not feel that such a relationship exists. Since the gastric acid level is felt to play a prime role in the development of peptic ulcers, the effects of corticotropin (ACTH) and the adrenal cortical steroids on gastric acid secretion have been studied. Zubiran,12,13 Gray,1 Plainos and Philippu,14,15 and Villarreal,16 have shown that ACTH, cortisone, and prednisone do cause an increase in gastric acid secretion, while others17-19 have not found such