Sonographic findings of pancreatitis in children.

The size and echogenicity of the pancreas was evaluated with real-time and static sonography and correlated in an independent and retrospective manner with amylase values in 17 asymptomatic children, 19 children with acute pancreatitis, and 2 with chronic pancreatitis. A ratio of the greatest anteroposterior dimension of the body of the pancreas relative to the transverse lumbar vertebral body measurement (P/V ratio) > 0.3, when associated with a hypoechoic pancreatic parenchyma, was indicative of acute pancreatitis. The predictive value of a positive sonogram was 0.93; the predictive value of a negative sonogram was 0.78. Sonography evidently is a useful adjunct to amylase determinations in the detection of pancreatitis in children.